this is one of the best guns pack on or probably the best one !
Rate 9.5/10...
so since some of the guns are not very similar to the real ones (and i undesrstand that since theyr 33*17/32*15), if someone see this guns for the first time its not gonna know the name of this guns, and to be honest even if im very passionated to guns i could'nt really tell the name of some of this guns like some Russians rifles...
Else than that you should download this and give it a tip for the hard work !
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I've had a blast using these to my GMTK 2024 game, ty so much !!
ty so much dude these are amazing!
Eyy looks awesome!
Thanks for providing this. I use them in my shooter game, along with your
Awesome! Just tried your game out and its pretty cool!
Guns! Guns! My kingdom for more Guns!
It's free for use?
Can i publish a game with these arts? :O
If it is, i will give a lot of credits too :P
Free to use however you want!
I'ma use this for a pew pew game, I'll be sure to give credit!
Be my guest!
there's any version with animations? cool assets!
Nope they're just sprites sorry
this is one of the best guns pack on or probably the best one !
Rate 9.5/10...
so since some of the guns are not very similar to the real ones (and i undesrstand that since theyr 33*17/32*15), if someone see this guns for the first time its not gonna know the name of this guns, and to be honest even if im very passionated to guns i could'nt really tell the name of some of this guns like some Russians rifles...
Else than that you should download this and give it a tip for the hard work !
Very good work and have a great day.
Thanks for the review! I get that some of the guns are harder to read than others.
The next time I make a gun pack it will be much better since this pack is about a year and a half old now
Thank you for making this and sharing it to us !! <3
No problem man!